Sunday, September 28, 2014

Excellence Is Just Past Your Comfort Zone

Within the last year, I interviewed for a marketing director position, and at the conclusion of the interview I asked them what they considered to be their biggest marketing obstacle. They told me they had always had great success building relationships with organizations. They would fly into a city, bring delicious food and drinks, have a great time and by the end of the visit they’d have large orders. However, now that strategy is no longer working. The world is moving faster and no one has time for that anymore. We spoke a lot about traditional, social and digital advertising. During the conversation, I mentioned that digital advertising is very powerful and it is accounting for over 50 percent of many marketing budgets. I also told them traditional advertising has become antiquated; however, it still has a place in the media mix. The interviewer's response was traditional advertising is dying, but it isn’t dead yet; and we are going to keep using it. That one statement told me it all. That company is so afraid of venturing outside of their comfort zone they would rather continue with a strategy they confess is no longer working.  

These interviewers aren’t alone, we have all been afraid to step out of our comfort zone and try something new. It is what we do when given the chance that makes the difference between growth or stagnation, success or failure, excellence or mediocrity.

Stepping out of your comfort zone is a constant work in progress.

·         Start small: 

o   You don’t have to shock your system with huge changes, baby steps will help, too. You can start with things as small as trying a menu item, restaurant, or sport. Or,   something new every day and integrate what you’ve learned in your life.    

·         Don’t be afraid to make a fool of yourself:

o   Everyone respects someone working toward improvement. Even if you fail, make a mistake or temporarily embarrass yourself, you will never be a fool. Just keep trying! 

·         Don’t be afraid to fail:  

o   Even if you fail you succeed, because every failure comes with a lesson. Some of the best insight and education comes from mistakes/failure.    

What have you done in order to move outside of your comfort zone?

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